Petco ramps up private brand pet food offering

Retailer added a premium line to its newly developed WholeHearted store brand and developed an exclusiv brand with Tyson Pet Products.

Rohit Sharma

Feb 24, 2023 - 13 min read

American fast food chains have come a long way since White Castle opened its first restaurant in Wichita back in 1921. Before long, as cars moved faster and highways filled the landscape, fast food restaurants became a fixture from sea to shining sea.

Fast forward to the present and fast food restaurants have expanded their menu offerings to include a variety of foods from salads to ice cream. They’ve also jumped the proverbial pond. Today, you can find a McDonald’s, Burger King or KFC just about anywhere in the world with the exception of Antarctica.

1. Shake Shack

American fast food chains have come a long way since White Castle opened its first restaurant in Wichita back in 1921. Before long, as cars moved faster and highways filled the landscape, fast food restaurants became a fixture from sea to shining sea.

2. McDonald’s

American fast food chains have come a long way since White Castle opened its first restaurant in Wichita back in 1921. Before long, as cars moved faster and highways filled the landscape, fast food restaurants became a fixture from sea to shining sea.

3. Chipotle

American fast food chains have come a long way since White Castle opened its first restaurant in Wichita back in 1921. Before long, as cars moved faster and highways filled the landscape, fast food restaurants became a fixture from sea to shining sea.


American fast food chains have come a long way since White Castle opened its first restaurant in Wichita back in 1921. Before long, as cars moved faster and highways filled the landscape, fast food restaurants became a fixture from sea to shining sea.

Any Questions

Web have (almost) Common the answers

Where is your food made?

Petqo products are proudly manufactured in company-owned facilities in Clinton, Iowa under strict quality control practices.

Does Petqo use grains? If so, why?

Petqo products are proudly manufactured in company-owned facilities in Clinton, Iowa under strict quality control practices.

How long does it take to get my order?

Petqo products are proudly manufactured in company-owned facilities in Clinton, Iowa under strict quality control practices.

How much is shipping?

Petqo products are proudly manufactured in company-owned facilities in Clinton, Iowa under strict quality control practices.

What happens if my package gets lost?

Petqo products are proudly manufactured in company-owned facilities in Clinton, Iowa under strict quality control practices.

Customers testimonials

The most rewarding part of our job is hearing from people whose pets are living better, more energetic.

Petqo pet food has a long history in the development of pet food. All the products used for our snacks are top quality.

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